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So I was just thinking, and...

So I was just thinking, and...

It's a chuffin' new website!

dave smith

Faster and leaner - that's what Velocity and Vitality is about.

Helping clients become faster on the bike, healthier all round, though less 'round'.

In the blog section you'll find all sorts of random guff, from images to thoughts, theory on training, and recipes for wonky effective food. 

Some of it will be downright weird too. Bear with me.=

To kick off with, someone else's blog(s).

Dave at bought a Velocity and Vitality programme - paid for himself, not a freebie to reflect his famousness. He wanted to get less heavy and more faster.

Here are his first three blogs about the plan and progress.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: